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How it all started.
Jack Zylstra grew up watching his uncle grow his company (Tuff Turf Molebusters) and knew he always wanted to be in the same line of work.
In 2009 Jack began to take care of his parents lawn. After a few weeks of this Jack realized how much he enjoyed it, he began to mow their lawn every day until the point they took the lawn mower away from him. Not knowing what to do, Jack began making his rounds around his neighborhood knocking on doors and gained new lawn maintenance clients. Nine year old Jack and friend Fletcher also began mulch installation at several family and friends properties. This was the founding of J and F Lawn and Snow Service.
Continuing company growth while still in middle school, Jack began to understand Fletcher did not show as much interest as he did. Contracts were written up in a sixth grade classroom at Dutton Christian Middle School, Jack would become the sole owner of J and F. Deciding to keep the name, Fletcher still played an active role over the next few years.
While attending South Christian High School, Jack used his non curricular time to continue the growth of J and F. It was at this time Jack’s father David, started to note how serious Jack was about this. David with his degree in accounting and also owning his own business began to help Jack with the financial side of the business. Jack, along with the help of many friends that worked on the team part time during the summer, provided lawn maintenance and landscape maintenance to clients in the West Michigan area.
Upon graduation of high school in 2018, Jack began his full time career in the business. J and F would begin operation out of a building in downtown Byron Center, recently purchased by his uncle from Larry Buist. The acquisition of this site led to many connections for Jack. It was at this time the first full time summer team member was hired. Isaac, a quiet hard working high school student provided clients the quality service they became accustomed to. It was during this time J and F began the growth in the Commercial and Multi Family side of the industry.
Hiring the first full time employee was a big step taken in 2020. This allowed the company to have a full time landscape maintenance crew and lawn maintenance crew. With a team starting to grow Jack began to understand more about how the business should operate.
2022, this year was different for Jack and the company for a few reasons. Along with recently acquiring a similar company, David’s (Jack’s father) health began to deteriorate. Having many health issues in the past which included the amputation of one leg, David was admitted into the hospital. It was at this same time the 2022 “green” season officially began. Continuing through the season, it was in June David was admitted into hospice. Jack, beginning to see what his father was going through, officially asked his dad if he could begin more of the managerial side of the business. Spending time in the field and office Jack finally understood he can’t do everything. This was a large stepping point in our company history.
December 14, 2022 David Zylstra went to his Heavenly home. The wonderful support of team J and F and others in our community showed us what matters most. People…
Building a positive,engaging, rewarding environment for each other, we know we can provide above industry standards to our clients. Instituting our core values as a company into what we do is what sets us apart.
J and F Core Values:
Working to be industry Leaders in Landscape Management, by Honoring God in all we do
Valuing our team members, by providing an environment that fosters personal development, professional growth, and reward their performance. Collaborating to build something greater than any one of us could create alone.
Providing quality service in an efficient manner, while keeping open lines of communication and striving to be an industry leader.